Module 1: Professional Accountability and Prescribing

Lesson 5

Laureen – A case study learning activity

To help inform care for this Laureen, a clinical practice guideline specific to treatment for restless leg syndrome may be useful.   A search on the NGC website identifies a CPG published in 2012 that is specific to the condition, and completed by an external group, the American Association of Sleep Medicine (AASM).

Questions for Reflection

  • Is this a credible website from which to download this guideline?

(HINT – Refer to criteria in Appendix ‘A’)

  • Did this group conduct a comprehensive literature search to obtain all credible articles for guideline development?
  • Did this group clearly identify the PICO to guide their search and focus their guideline?

(HINT – refer to criteria in Appendix ‘A’)

  • Select any critical appraisal tool specially designed for clinical practice guidelines (note the link below to the sample CADTH tool).  The critical appraisal tool contains a question that asks about conflict of interest.  Did the authors of this AASM guideline declare their conflict of interest?

(HINT – Refer to section 3.5 of their document)

  • Did the authors clearly identify how they rated each article being considered for guideline development as low-moderate-high, etc?

(HINT – Refer to Tables 2 and 3)

Related Resources:
