
Module 1: Professional accountability and prescribing

Lesson 1  Describe the federal and provincial / territorial legislation and regulations related to NP prescription of CDS.
Lesson 2  Identify jurisdictional registered nurse and nurse practitioner standards of practice for CDS.
Lesson 3  Describe the role of prescription monitoring programs in Canada.
Lesson 4  Identify tools and mechanisms for safe prescribing and management of prescribed CDS.
Lesson 5  Develop strategies to assess evidence used for CDS use.
Lesson 6  Examine ethical principles influencing CDS use.

Module 2: Basic pharmacology of CDS

Lesson 1  Discuss the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of CDS.
Lesson 2 Review special considerations related to methadone, buprenorphine / naloxone, and cannabinoids.
Lesson 3  Discuss considerations related to other agents including Z-drugs, Gabapentin, and Tramadol.
Lesson 4    Make adjustments to the dose of CDS.
Lesson 5  Appraise fundamental holistic approaches to patient care relevant to CDS.

Module 3: Assessment

Lesson 1 Comprehensive assessment, safety considerations, and goals of care appropriate to prescribing CDS for chronic pain.
Lesson 2 Comprehensive assessment, safety considerations, and goals of care appropriate to prescribing CDS for acute pain.
Lesson 3 Comprehensive assessment, safety considerations, and goals of care appropriate to prescribing CDS for insomnia.
Lesson 4 Comprehensive assessment, safety considerations, and goals of care appropriate to prescribing CDS for ADHD.
Lesson 5  Comprehensive assessment, safety considerations, and goals of care appropriate to prescribing CDS for anxiety.
Lesson 6  Comprehensive assessment, safety considerations, and goals of care appropriate to prescribing CDS for status epilepticus.

Module 4: Therapeutics

Lesson 1    Make informed decisions regarding when to prescribe CDS.
Lesson 2  Articulate the principles of safe and appropriate prescribing of CDS.
Lesson 3     Write a prescription that contains the necessary elements for safety and appropriateness.
Lesson 4  Articulate approaches to trials, tapering, and rotation of CDS in therapeutic management of pain, anxiety, insomnia, and ADHD.

Module 5: Monitoring and evaluation

Lesson 1  Describe appropriate monitoring and evaluation of patients who are prescribed CDS.
Lesson 2  Identify aberrant drug-related behaviours associated with CDS use.
Lesson 3  Determine follow-up frequency for patients prescribed CDS and activities to be completed at follow-up visits.
Lesson 4  Describe the circle of care for the patient and when to request a referral for further assessment from other health care professionals