Module 5: Monitoring and Evaluation

Lesson 3

Follow up activities

What activities occur at the follow up visit?

  • Review documentation from the previous visit
  • Review results of imaging, lab tests, specialist’s referral, etc.
  • Review medications, doses, treatment plan (care plan), and agreement
  • Review the goals of therapy and whether the patient is meeting these goals
  • Review whether the controlled drug is still required or of benefit to the patient.
    • If the controlled drug is no longer required or of benefit, it should be discontinued.
      • For example, in an acute pain situation (e.g. , surgery, fracture) pain may be diminished or resolved.
  • Reassess patient safety and handling/storage of the CDS.
    • The following should be considered:
      • Is the patient at risk of having the controlled substance misused by a third party due to improper storage?
      • Is the patient at physical risk related to having controlled substances present in a home environment

Special attention should be given to those at high risk. For example, households with children, individuals who are incarcerated, and individuals with memory impairment or cognitive challenges.
