Module 1: Professional Accountability and Prescribing

Lesson 1

Learning Outcome

Describe the federal and provincial/territorial legislation and regulations related to NP prescription of controlled drugs and substances.


Controlled drugs and substances are regulated in Canada by federal and provincial/territorial legislation and regulations, most notably the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA; 1996). Controlled drugs and substances have the capacity to produce a state of dependence and may present a risk to public health and safety when misused. Therefore, the federal and provincial/territorial governments have created legislation and regulations to control the prescribing and handling of these agents (Government of Canada, 2012).

The CDSA and its associated regulations create a framework for the sanctioned use of controlled drugs and substances and authorize law enforcement agencies to take necessary action when illicit and illegal activities occur.

This lesson will guide learners through an examination of the relevant federal and provincial/territorial legislation and regulations that regulate NP controlled drugs and substances prescribing. While federal and provincial/territorial legislation and regulation also define the RN role in administering controlled drugs and substances, the focus will be on NP prescriptive authority, with the exception of Section 56 exemptions, which apply to both NP and RN practice.
